Who Am I?

I Look like a timber handrail

I Feel like a timber handrail

But… I don’t splinter and chip like a timber handrail

Did you know that timber handrails are on their way out in Aged Care?

I am a 940 Series Woodlands handrail, made from Palladium Rigid Vinyl and backed by an unprecedented 25 year product durability warranty.

If I was to explain my personality in 5 words, it would be

  • Youthful
  • Handsome
  • Versatile
  • Dependable
  • Helpful

I am available in 15 different realistic Woodlands woodlook finishes as well as 80+ standard solid colours, so am able to dress up to suit the colour scheme of your choice, from traditional to contemporary.

I am a real favourite of Aged Care facility managers and maintenance supervisors love me to bits. I often cop a lot of abuse, but I can put up with a lot and haven’t broken down yet.

You might be thinking, well what keeps you going then?

It is the residents and patients. To me, they are all Grandpa and Grandma. They are the ones that I am really there for. I love keeping them safe and helping them on their walks. They think they are doing it all on their own ;-), but I don’t mind. I love that I can contribute to their sense of freedom.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Bye for now.